Job Interview Top Tips

Your FREE Guide To Acing
Any Job Interview



Job Interview Dos and Dont's

There are quite a few things that you should and should not do during an interview that could make the whole thing a lot easier for both you and the interviewer. I’ve listed them quickly in the table below.

Do ... Don't ...
Arrive on time, or even better 10 minutes early. Be over aggressive or egotistical.
Refer to the interviewer by his or her name. Spend too much time talking about money.
Smile and give a firm handshake. Act uninterested in the company or the job.
Be alert and act interested throughout the interview. Act defensively when questioned about anything.
Maintain eye contact at all times. Speak negatively about past colleagues or employers.
Make all comments in a positive manner. Answer with only yes or no.
Speak clearly, firmly, and with authority. Excuse your bad points about work history.
Accept any refreshment offered. Excuse yourself halfway through the interview, even if you have to use the bathroom.
Promote your strengths. Ask for coffee or refreshments.